Thirteen generation ago, are country was founded on the Christian morals taught in the Bible. Unfortunately the first eleven generations were hypocritical in applying them. Slavery of the blacks, the attempted genocide of the Indians and bigotry towards all non-whites were all done in the name of Christianity. And those were just the headlines. We, like all prosperous nations, became an arrogant nation. In public we pretend to be a "Cleaver" like household (remember the show, "Leave it to Beaver"). Unfortunately many of our privet life were anything but. We were a society of "Jecklys and Hides". Does that mean that the Christian morals are bad? The twelfth generation sure thought so. This was my parent's generation, "the hippies".
There cause was not all bad. They were right to speak out against the hypocrisy and to advocate the cause of the powerless. But they went way further then that. Instead of just seeing that some of the people who were in authority were wrong, they saw the entire institution of authority as being wrong. And instead of seeing the blatant misuse of the Bible being bad, they saw the Bible it's self as being bad. Therefore they rebelled against authority in general and the commands of the Holy Scriptures. Many have treated the Bible and the Christians who live by it, as if they are a threat to them personally. I think some of them would rather have their children involved with drugs and gangs then a Bible Study. Some advocate the rights for children to bring guns, condoms and gang apparel to school; but teachers and students should never bring a Bible. What has been the result? They say freedom, freedom to do what ever they want. I can't argue the fact that we have much more freedom to sin, but we also have much less freedom to live.
Let's start with the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. I'm tired of hearing the "safe sex" schemes. Abstinence requires self-disciple and self-control, two characteristics that are not being developed in children today. These go beyond just issues of morality. People show little or no self discipline or self control in handling adversity, controlling there anger, resolving conflicts, managing finances, holding a job, exercising personal freedoms (like driving a car), etc. So real problem is not morality; it self discipline and self-control. As they go, so goes the society.
Now let us look at how our society has changed. Back in my Grandparent's day, people left their front doors open during the day and were not afraid to walk out at night or to talk to strangers. Now we live in fear of gangs and drugs. Women need to learn self defense to protect them from being rape by any guy walking down the street, as well as abuse from there partner. Children carry guns to school and use them on other children. Anti-Government extremist murder innocent civilians in an attempt to "win" more "freedoms."
But hay, if we are free to choose our own morals then who is to say anyone is wrong. There is nothing wrong with husbands beating up their wives, men raping women, kids killing kids or parents murdering their own children. After all, if there conscience is not bothered by it then it must be O.K., right?
If you believe that all of that is not O.K., then you must believe that society should set down some universal morals. Do you have any suggestions on an effective means of creating such a standard? How about communicating this standard on a broad basis? And what about being able to develop this standard in the members of our society.
I know that Biblical Christianity can do all three, if people would apply it completely. Granted the church is notorious for getting sidetracked into doing other things, but wonderful things happen when it does get on track. And if all the concerned citizens jump on board rather then trying to derail us all the time, this society would have it made!
Now go and look at any list of what someone believes to be the top ten problems facing our society. There are a lot of them out there. How many would be cured by a spiritual revival? You see that some of these are not have to do with morality. It does not matter, the Bible gives practical knowledge about how to live, resolve conflicts, face down adversity, control the dark side of your personality, getting your finances under control, etc. You just need to take the time to read it and understand it; then you can apply it. But maybe that is not what you want for our society. Maybe you would rather be free to sin even more, no matter how much it suppresses all of our freedom to live!
There cause was not all bad. They were right to speak out against the hypocrisy and to advocate the cause of the powerless. But they went way further then that. Instead of just seeing that some of the people who were in authority were wrong, they saw the entire institution of authority as being wrong. And instead of seeing the blatant misuse of the Bible being bad, they saw the Bible it's self as being bad. Therefore they rebelled against authority in general and the commands of the Holy Scriptures. Many have treated the Bible and the Christians who live by it, as if they are a threat to them personally. I think some of them would rather have their children involved with drugs and gangs then a Bible Study. Some advocate the rights for children to bring guns, condoms and gang apparel to school; but teachers and students should never bring a Bible. What has been the result? They say freedom, freedom to do what ever they want. I can't argue the fact that we have much more freedom to sin, but we also have much less freedom to live.
Let's start with the epidemic of sexually transmitted diseases and AIDS. I'm tired of hearing the "safe sex" schemes. Abstinence requires self-disciple and self-control, two characteristics that are not being developed in children today. These go beyond just issues of morality. People show little or no self discipline or self control in handling adversity, controlling there anger, resolving conflicts, managing finances, holding a job, exercising personal freedoms (like driving a car), etc. So real problem is not morality; it self discipline and self-control. As they go, so goes the society.
Now let us look at how our society has changed. Back in my Grandparent's day, people left their front doors open during the day and were not afraid to walk out at night or to talk to strangers. Now we live in fear of gangs and drugs. Women need to learn self defense to protect them from being rape by any guy walking down the street, as well as abuse from there partner. Children carry guns to school and use them on other children. Anti-Government extremist murder innocent civilians in an attempt to "win" more "freedoms."
But hay, if we are free to choose our own morals then who is to say anyone is wrong. There is nothing wrong with husbands beating up their wives, men raping women, kids killing kids or parents murdering their own children. After all, if there conscience is not bothered by it then it must be O.K., right?
If you believe that all of that is not O.K., then you must believe that society should set down some universal morals. Do you have any suggestions on an effective means of creating such a standard? How about communicating this standard on a broad basis? And what about being able to develop this standard in the members of our society.
I know that Biblical Christianity can do all three, if people would apply it completely. Granted the church is notorious for getting sidetracked into doing other things, but wonderful things happen when it does get on track. And if all the concerned citizens jump on board rather then trying to derail us all the time, this society would have it made!
Now go and look at any list of what someone believes to be the top ten problems facing our society. There are a lot of them out there. How many would be cured by a spiritual revival? You see that some of these are not have to do with morality. It does not matter, the Bible gives practical knowledge about how to live, resolve conflicts, face down adversity, control the dark side of your personality, getting your finances under control, etc. You just need to take the time to read it and understand it; then you can apply it. But maybe that is not what you want for our society. Maybe you would rather be free to sin even more, no matter how much it suppresses all of our freedom to live!
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