My Mission

I have a two reasons for starting this blog. First, I am a devoted Christian who enjoys teaching others what I have learned, especially about the Bible. I not only have a background in cross-cultural ministry, but also includes children's ministry at both preschool and grade school leaves.

I have also worked the 12 Step of recovery in a manner in which I made them subject to Biblical principles. I am a greatfully recovering adult child of multiple dysfunctional families and a co-dependent. You will note that postings that I write dealing with this subject are categorized as Biblical Discipleship- Recovery. That term is not just propaganda on my part to win over those who are skeptical of the 12 steps. It recognizes that the Bible is the key to true "self improvement." It also reminds us that such improvements should be done for the purpose of us become more effective Christians.

The second reason for me writing this blog is to confront the prejudices that many Americans have towards Arabs. The notion that all Arabs are both Muslims and Terrorist is far more prevalent then I ever realized while attending American churches. It should be noted that all of those who I have met who refuse to believe that it is possible for Arabs to choose Christianity have proven themselves to be anything but devote Christians. Pastor Jamal on the other hand will attest that there have been times when American Christians have told him that they want to support his ministry, but they are afraid that their money might be used to bomb Israelis.

It is with this in mind that I hope to present to you First Arabic Baptist Church. A church of devoted Christians - affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention - that conducts its services in Arabic and English - trying to do its part in fulfilling "The Great Commission".

Note: All view expressed in this blog are my own and are not necessarily those of Pastor Jamal Bishara, First Arabic Baptist Church of Phoenix or The Southern Baptist Convention.

Saturday, October 27, 2007


In our society, those of us that disapprove of homosexuality are labeled “homophobic.” We Christians are said to be full of fear and hated towards those that are different from us! But is this fair, or is it just hypocritical bigotry on the part of those who hate us Christians and the moral standards that we live by? After all, only the most immature Christians get angry and lash out when someone advocates morals that differ from ours. The rest of us more mature, but non-compromising Christians will lovingly and respectfully disagree in the most diplomatic manner possible. The same cannot be said about many those anti-Christians who go around blasting us Christians for being “homophobics.” As a matter of fact, we Christians are openly ridiculed in public more for our life stile by anti-Christians then the other way around.

So tell me something, is everything I disapprove of considered to be a hate filled phobia? I disapprove of kids joining violent street gangs, should I be ripped for being a hate filled “gangaphobic”? I disapprove of recreational drugs use, should I be ripped for being a hate filled “drugaphobic”? I disapprove of male chauvinism, should I be ripped for being a hate filled “male chauvaphobic”? I disapprove of racism, should I be ripped for being a “racaphobic”? On the contrary, the vast majority of anti-Christians would applaud me for making such stances. And they would be hypocrites for doing so! After all, do they not claim that everybody has the right to choose any life style that they want? So if the anti-Christians want to show some consistency in their belief systems then they need to stop supporting gang and drug intervention programs as well as the civil rights movements. After all, those who support of these programs are imposing their values on others. Do not get me wrong; we non-compromising Christians support all such activities. We believe that our society would be better off if everybody stopped using recreational drugs and got out of street gangs. We also want an end to all forms of racism and sexism. This includes racist acts and attitudes of women and minorities against whites and males! These positions are all consistent with the commands of our Lord God. So, it is not inconsistent for us to want everybody to obey all of His loving, holy, and righteous commands!

Now, let me take a moment to bring up a point about homosexuality that most. But I am not even going to bother quoting Bible verses, because I know that they will be rejected by those who disagree with my position. So lets deal with this subject from a secular standpoint. I will start of with the homosexual’s means of making love. I do not know much about what various means lesbians perform their acts of loving making, but I do have some incite on the act of anal sex. I have never actually experienced such an act, but I have experienced the next worse thing (brace yourself for this one because it is a bit grafic) enemas and suppositories. For those of you who have never had these procedures done for you, they are about the most uncomfortable thing that you will ever have done. Even though the enemas and suppositories or designed to be no more painful and uncomfortable then necessary, God just simply did not create the sphincter mussel to move both ways. Therefore, having something put in your anus be it an enema, suppository or fully erected human penis is going to be painful.

So ask yourself, why would a loving God create an act of love that is such a painful experience for one of the lovers involved? I know that there are some heterosexual couples that participate in masochistic forms of sexual intimacy. Such couples really do need serious help. I do not mean this in a condescending way, but with compassionate concern for those involved. Anyone who believes that acts of love should be painful has a warped understanding of what love is. No one is ever going to convince me that the homosexual act of lovemaking is any other than another form of masochistic sex! It therefore make perfect sense to me that the few openly gay people that I have met have had some form of physical, emotional and/or sexual abuse done to them by a significant adult figure in their live. How else could someone associate love and pain as being part of the same act?

I am now going to finish this by telling you a true story about a homosexual friend of mine named, Kevin. Kevin and I went to the Phoenix Job Corps from 1988-1989, where I lead a campus Bible study. The first day that we met we decided to walk down to a fast food restaurant in order to get something to eat. I have no idea to this day of why he chose to confide in me that he was homosexual. I, with him already knowing that I was a Christian, simply said to him, “well I guess you know where I stand on that.” Nothing else was need to be said because everybody knows that devout Christians oppose such behavior and I would have gained nothing by preaching to him. Some weeks later the news, “Kevin is gay,” went rippling through the male dormitory. And the first thing I thought was of disappointment, “Oh great, the secret is out.” The next day I went in to the crowded cafeteria and saw him. Not only was not only was the table that he was sitting at empty, but so were all the table that surrounded it. I thought to myself, “It has begun.” I in the full view of everybody watch sat down next to him knowing full good and well that I would shock everybody in that room. When I was confronted about it later by another Christian, I told her that his sins were no different from anyone else, and that God loves him just as much as anyone else. I hold to both of those truths to this day.

So as you see, I am not someone who is possessed by a hateful phobia of homosexuals. What I am is someone with strong sense of what is right and wrong. Homosexuality is wrong, but so is hating anyone for any belief that they might have! This rebuke I direct towards both side of this debate!

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